Warum kuschen wir vorm Islam?
I have to issue this disclaimer: I love many things about Germany. If that weren’t the case, I wouldn’t be here. On the other hand, I have never heard of a whole continent that has completely neutered itself the way Europe has. For an entire continent to willingly hand in their balls; it’s just something that I can’t understand.
The headline in question refers to a controversy that’s come up here. The opera program in Berlin included “Idomeneo,” a Mozart composition. The problem is, there’s a scene where Muhammad is symbolically beheaded along with Jesus and Buddha. Beheading Jesus and Buddha presents no problems. Beheading Muhammad does. So, in a move consistent with the type of thing you’d come to expect from the ball-less fags that infest this continent, “Idomeneo” was removed from the program out of fear of a Muslim call to violence.
It was left to Bild newspaper (which is viewed with some disdain here because it’s the rough equivalent of the National Enquirer) to basically ask, “Why do we gobble such an enormous amount of cock?”
There’s more though. I am in a lather about this because I also just got finished watching the news here. I missed the very beginning part so pardon me if the specifics aren’t precise but apparently N.A.T.O. has decided to expand its role in Afghanistan. That means that German troops are going to have to stay there for up to a year. Pardon me if I don’t feel too much sympathy for them since they’re based in the safe northern part of the country while my brother is about to be deployed for a year and a half tour in the part where shit actually goes down.
If that weren’t enough, however, the people here, the politicians here, and the talking heads here are crying their pretty little eyes out over the fact that – GASP – they might actually have to lift a finger to do something in the world. FUCK ME!! Some asshole commentator was lamenting the fact that there doesn’t seem to be a way for Germany to weasel out of this responsibility. DOUBLE FUCK!!
Here’s the deal assholes, since you seem to be too thick to grasp this: radical Islamists are trying to kill everyone that doesn’t agree with them. Take a look at the rubble that used to be the twin towers. Then take a look at the Madrid rail bombings. Then take a look at the bombings in Bali. Then take a look at the attacks in London. Then take a look at the attacks in Turkey. On top of that, only the ineptitude of people involved kept bombs from blowing up RIGHT HERE IN GERMANY. The “so-called War on Terror” (as the leftists like to call it…) is NOT just something that the U.S. faces. It is, therefore, something that we shouldn’t have to bear complete responsibility for. In other words, pitch in to saves yourselves, you fucking cunts!
The news report today and the headline in a tabloid offer a good summary of Europe’s stance. It boils down to this: we will bow down to the people who would kill us while avoiding any action to save ourselves and spitting on those would do the saving work for us.