Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Because you need to see this...

I just got an email with this link. I signed on to this account immediately because you, faithful readers, need to see this. If you don’t think this is funny, you have no soul. NO FUCKING SOUL!!

The Japanese are a weird, fucked up people…

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Well, I've finally gotten off my ass and re-sized and posted some pics on Flickr. The first few are from my trip to Germany in Sept./Oct. of last year and the rest have been taken during my current stay. Click here to check 'em out.

Props to Roger for suggesting Flickr. I was looking for a way to share pics without sending bulky emails or snail mailing cds out and thanks to him, I found a free way to get it done.

Monday, August 21, 2006

This is awesome

If you can't find the funny here, you're fucking retarded:

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The German toilet and drunk hockey fans

This weekend, we went to Krumbach to celebrate Kathi's grandma’s birthday. (ed. note: Kathi's sister's name will no longer appear in these annals. I was writing a post one day teasing her a little and she flipped completely out so I don't want to include her or even mention her name in any more topics. /ed. note).

In any event, we spent the weekend in Krumbach, and though I didn’t think it possible, we spent every waking hour eating. OK, that’s clearly an exaggeration but it’s not as far from the truth as you might think.

Krumbach itself was a nice little town, right on the edge or some woods. The myriad of strange things and events really made the trip though. First of all, Kathi's grandma is cool as balls. She’s nice and very hospitable. She lives in an older house though and this house is equipped with the old-school toilets that were the bane of my existence during my first go-round in Germany.

For those of you that might not have heard or don’t remember: the older toilets in Germany have the hole in the front of the toilet rather than the back. When the whole is in the back, you shit and it slips peacefully into the water waiting to be flushed away. When the hole is in the front of the toilet, you shit and it drops onto a shelf inches below you ass and then you have a stinky log festering away. Crapping normally stinks. Crapping into these toilets stinks a thousand times worse because your load just sits there in the open air. So yes, the country that put the first jet fighter into production, the country that gave us cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche and kick-ass steak knives also engineered a completely retarded toilet.

Something else of note: On the train ride back to Munich, we were packed like sardines in a crushed tin box for one leg of the trip due to some hockey fans that were traveling in support of their team. A minor annoyance became one of the highlights of the trip when one of the drunken fans vomited on another unsuspecting passenger. That was a lot of fun. The vomitee was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a sport jacket that looked like a left-over from a 70s leisure suit. After he was chundered on, he made quite a ruckus demanding money for his ruined clothes. When no payment was made, he demanded that the train officials arrest or otherwise detain the offending party until restitutions could be made.

While I certainly sympathized with his plight, I was unimpressed by his apparent non-violence tactics. If someone vomits on me and doesn’t pay within seconds, payment will be fucking beaten out of him. Shit, even if payment is made a beating may still be in order. After that, my second order of business would be to clean up. Not this dude. He never made any attempt to get cleaned up. He walked up and down the aisle with chucks blown all over him. Suave. The thing that I found curious was the payment he was demanding because it was both too much and too little. Here’s what I mean:

He was demanding 20 Euros as a cleaning expense. If someone were to chunder on me, I would think that 20 Euros was way too easy a slap on the wrist. I’d vomit on someone every week if I could get away with just paying 20 bucks then being done with it.

On the other hand, there’s no way the dude’s whole ensemble was worth 20 Euros. Well, maybe the nifty neon green and fluorescent yellow shoes but that was a fashion diamond in the otherwise rough rest of his get-up. 20 Euros might just have doubled his wardrobe.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Diabetes - the Remix

Get your Wilford Brimley on.

Edit: Holy shit, it's a phenomenon! Here's another one.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Man, I really hope someone got fired over that…

The internet: it’s a very important piece of everyday life now. I can chat with or write emails to my friends and family thousands of miles away and be immediately connected. I can post stupid messages like a diary and let those same friends know what stupid bullshit I find on the web.

The web is not just for individuals looking for pornographic/fetish movies though. No sir, it’s much more than that. A business, for example, can exist solely as a web address and a physical factory somewhere. Amazon is a serious of warehouses. I mean, sure, they probably have a corporate headquarters somewhere but they are still a dot-com company.

Other, more traditional, brick and mortar companies still have to have a web presence too. A lot of time, energy and money is spent securing domain names for those who wish to be represented on the world wide web. Sometimes, however, not enough ATTENTION is paid to said web domains. What do I mean?

Take a look at the list below, originally from this link. All of the firms below are legitimate. Click on them to see if they’re selling what you thought…


Sunday, August 06, 2006

So… what’s up?

Answer is: not too much. I’m still kicking back here in Germany but the big news is that I’ve landed a job. Sort of. Here’s the deal…

As everyone knows, I planned to come here and stay for a year or two depending on whether or not I found a job. I saved up a little nest-egg, used that to live on while traveling all over the county attending the U.S. games and extended my vacation to the end of the World Cup. Once the cup ended, it was time to knuckle down and find a job. This is where the challenges arose.

As everyone knows, I love Germans and Germany but I HATE their policies/politics. I’m pretty solidly right-of-center and hold my country up as an example of right-of-center policies and their effectiveness. Quick quiz: who has the oldest government in the world? Answer: the United States of America. You know why? Because the system, for all its flaws, fucking works. For the most part, people are held accountable for their actions and either fail or succeed on their own merits. Who do the leftists have to hold up as their examples? Soviet Russia? Cuba? “Old-Europe?” Well, we all know how the Soviets ended up, all we have to do is look down south to see how it’s going for the Cubans and Europe’s once proud economies are slowly eating themselves because they’re entitlement states. You know the Social Security crisis that they keep telling us to worry about in the U.S.? Well, it’s called “today… right fuckin’ now” in Germany. Too much money is being spent on retirement, health care and unemployment. The government proposes cuts in benefits to keep the system going and the public screams bloody murder. The government backtracks and says, “we won’t cut benefits but we’re going to have to raise your already crippling taxes” and the public screams bloody murder. Doctors are striking because they haven’t had pay increases in twenty years and their work loads have doubled (do you still want universal, government provided health care?) Employers don’t want to hire new employees because, for them, it’s like contracting herpes. You can’t fire unproductive employees because the laws are way too far in the workers' favor. Many employers are laying workers off and the ones that aren’t, aren’t taking new employees. Unemployment is still over double digits – 11%, last I checked – and the economic growth rate here was dead last in the EU.

This is the job market I chose to enter.

Of course, you don’t have to be an astute economist to figure out the difficulties I was facing. On top of that, to combat high unemployment, Germany has rules dictating the order in which jobs must be filled (more rules Germany: that’s what you fucking need, more rules…). If a job opens up, it MUST be filled by a German if they can find one that meets the basic qualifications. If they can’t do that, then the job MUST be filled by an EU citizen that meets the basic qualifications. If that fails too, then they can open the position up to foreigners.

I knew all this in advance though, so I knew what I was getting myself into. I pretty much knew that teaching English was going to be my refuge. Still though, it’s frustrating to know you can contribute to a company then not be considered because you’re the wrong nationality. I responded to job ads that I felt I was perfect for given my schooling and experience: fund-raising assistant, foreign language correspondent, etc. But whatever my qualifications are, in all honesty, it isn’t too hard to find recent grads with a few years’ work experience so I’m last in line for any open position. So, as I suspected from the beginning, I have to teach English as a start.

The good news is that I was recently hired by a language school and was able to start immediately. Once everything is finalized, I will have benefits too. The bad news is that I’m only guaranteed part-time hours and the pay isn’t too great. I’ll have to wait for my first paycheck to figure out exactly what’s going on so I’ll know whether it’s something I can live on (don’t know what rate I’ll be taxed at either. I’m REAL curious to find this out…), whether or not I’ll need a side job, or – not likely but still remotely possible – whether or not it’s hopeless and I should make my way home.

Hopefully, none of this sounds gloomy. I’m sure I’ll be able to stay here for a year or so and get some new experience under my belt. I’ve also found out that Tool is coming back through Europe and it’s definitely my mission to catch them as many times as possible in Germany. I know I won’t be missing the show in Munich. On top of that, there are still some great travel opportunities for me here. I’m considering a trip to Ireland with Vroni and I’ve also had a chance to visit Regensburg and Innsbruck, Austria. All in all, I can’t complain. Actually, yes I can. But I shouldn’t because I’m still doing something that I want to be doing and that’s more than a great many people can say.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

TMQ is back!

The unfortunate part about being in Germany at this time of year is the fact that I have to miss football season. I do have a savior though: Gregg Easterbrook – the Tuesday Morning Quarterback.

There is, however, more to his column than football. In addition to his astute football analysis, he’ll also write about some random event or political happening. Here’s something from his latest column that I though was interesting:

High Point of My Offseason: A ride in the cab of one of these, General Electric's Evolution, the world's most advanced diesel-electric locomotive. The locomotives represent a breakthrough in fuel efficiency and pollution reduction, the later important because trains traditionally have been exempt from environmental controls. The 4,400-horsepower Evolution uses five percent less fuel than other locomotives of the same power -- which means a lot since a typical locomotive burns 1,000 gallons of diesel per day -- and emits 40 percent less pollution. General Electric is at work on a hybrid locomotive that would achieve further reduction in emissions and fuel use.”

Why is that terribly interesting? Well, he lists some of his notes after this paragraph and one of those notes is below:

“The Evolution is selling like crazy in part because the George W. Bush administration imposed the first national emissions standards on locomotives; also on construction equipment, off-road vehicles, marine engines and other previously unregulated sources of diesel exhaust. Bush further required that diesel fuel itself be "reformulated" to reduce inherent pollution content. Did you know that President Bush ordered a major strengthening of clean-air law? Of course you didn't, since the mainstream media refuse to report this.”

Hmm… I had no idea. It’s nice that we have to get balanced political coverage from our football columnists.

And for your information, don't make the mistake of thinking that he’s some sort of right-wing hack. His politics, on the few occasions that he puts his views in print, tend to be solidly left of center. He’s just willing to give credit where credit’s due and lay blame on those that deserve it.

(cue “The More You Know” music and graphics…)