You cannot possibly be this stupid...
"The Sept. 4 column 'Evolution not a matter of opinion' is an opinion and it is wrong.
It seems the columnist’s main conclusion is there is a rejection of scientific knowledge [by the creationists]. The fact is Darwin was not a scientist. He dropped out of medical school and became a spiritist, like Sigmund Freud and Adolf Hitler, who were evolutionists.
I have a 928-page book, ‘Evolution Cruncher,’ that has 1,350 scientific quotes, including evolutionist. But the main book I go by is the Bible. It might be argued Adam was evolved as ‘God formed man from the dust of the ground,’ which could have been thousands of years, but Eve did not evolve. She was made from a rib while Adam slept. The so-called Christian evolutionist has led many young people astray.
Richard Lawrence”
It seems these numbskulls can’t get it through their head that what’s in the bible isn’t science and shouldn’t be taught as such. Creation is bad enough but now the bible crowd is trying to push forth a “theory” called Intelligent Design and it is actually gaining recognition from certain backward school districts. Let’s be clear on something: if you want your kids to learn about creationism or intelligent design that’s fine – but take them to Sunday school, don’t put that crap in our science classes. In order for something to qualify as science, it must originate from a process known as the scientific method. The scientific method has four steps:
- Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.
- Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation.
- Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations.
- Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.
Neither creationism nor intelligent design meets a single one of those qualifications. Those theories can neither be proved nor disproved and therefore have no business in scientific textbooks or classrooms. Simply saying “we don’t know the details on evolution so it must have been god” is not science.
As for our idiot letter writer, notice how he attempts to equate Darwin with Hitler in a pathetic attempt to discredit Darwin. He then states that Darwin wasn’t a scientist because he was a medical school dropout. Well, Einstein dropped out of secondary school in Munich – was he not a scientist? Does that render his theories invalid? Does that mean that mass cannot be turned into energy (E=mc²) and nuclear/atomic weapons do not exist? See how much simpler the world becomes when you shut your brain off and let the bible do your thinking for you?
Lawrence states that “the main book I go by is the bible.” Is this the same bible that sanctions selling your daughter in to slavery (Exodus 21:7)? The same bible that demands death for those that work on the Sabbath (Exodus 35:2)? The same bible that forbids the trimming of your hair around the temple and at the edges of your beard (Leviticus 19:27)?
Read the bible, go to church, celebrate your god in your own way but keep faith masquerading as science out of scientific textbooks and science classrooms. Or at least give the Flying Spaghetti Monster equal credence.