Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Atlanta Braves Toast

From a funny ebay auction, all spelling/grammatical errors from the original site. Please note that the toast's condition is toasted, don't past it up!

Atlanta Braves Toast

ONE of a KIND Toast. Authentic Atlanta braves toast.

This is a toast of a lifetime this is the Atlanta Braves Toast wow!!!!!! This Piece of toast goes well with your Atlanta Braves or Baseball collection. The toast gets along with everybody even cats and dogs. I want to see who will bit on this piece of toast. GO Braves, Go Braves, This toast is soo fun and cool to look at it. The condition is toasted. Its 4"by 3'1/2 Inches. DONT PAST UP A TOAST LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!

The Atlanta Braves Toast Story. I was eatting some toast one day getting ready to go to an Atlanta Braves Game. I looked at the time and saw that I was going to be late so I packed the toast. That day I sitting in my seat at the game I held up my toast and yelled "Come on Braves". All of a sudden Andruw Jones hit a home run right towards me I look at the toast and say "This is the Atlanta Braves Toast". The Braves won and Toast was made.

What we can learn from Russians

This may be more effective than anti-Spam laws. Not that I'm advocating murder or anything...

Russia's Biggest Spammer Brutally Murdered in Apartment

Created: 25.07.2005 13:14 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:29 MSK


Vardan Kushnir, notorious for sending spam to each and every citizen of Russia who appeared to have an e-mail, was found dead in his Moscow apartment on Sunday, Interfax reported Monday. He died after suffering repeated blows to the head.

Kushnir, 35, headed the English learning centers the Center for American English, the New York English Centre and the Centre for Spoken English, all known to have aggressive Internet advertising policies in which millions of e-mails were sent every day.

In the past angry Internet users have targeted the American English centre by publishing the Center’s telephone numbers anywhere on the Web to provoke telephone calls. The Center’s telephone was advertised as a contact number for cheap sex services, or bargain real estate sales.

Another attack involved hundreds of people making phone calls to the American English Center and sending it numerous e-mails back, but Vardan Kushnir remained sure of his right to spam, saying it was what e-mails were for.

Under Russian law, spamming is not considered illegal, although lawmakers are working on legal projects that could protect Russian Internet users like they do in Europe and the U.S.

Click for article

Monday, July 25, 2005

Congratulations Ben!

Congratulations go out to Ben and Sarah on their wedding this past weekend. Best of luck to the both of you in the future. Thanks to Steve for letting me crash at his place while I was in town.

A couple of things to comment on from the trip up to Phoenix: Mr. Red Honda Civic and the Sandwich Artist at Subway.

As the wedding was up in Phoenix, I had to make the ~2 hour drive up to Phoenix on Friday night. After getting comfortably out of Tucson city limits, I settled into a cruising speed of 85-90mph. This is when I first noticed the Red Honda Civic. He was chugging along in the left lane going about 5mph slower. I figured on him seeing me coming up behind him but he didn’t budge. No big deal really, chalk it up to one of the multitude who can’t get it through their cotton filled skulls that the left lane is the passing lane. I changed lanes to pass him on the right when he sped up. Apparently, by trying to pass him, I insulted him. I had no intention of turning this into a race so I watched as he cruised past me. Of course, after a bit of time had passed, he resumed his normal pace and since my speed never changed, it was just a matter of time before I was creeping up and threatening to pass him again. Same thing happens: he speeds up, slows down a bit down the highway and speeds up again when I’m nearing him. A couple of times I managed to actually pass him but he would speed up to pass me and get in front of me again only to have the whole thing repeat. He kept this up the entire way – from Picacho to the Mills Mall when he finally exited the interstate. Eat shit Mr. Red Honda Civic.

Cut to Saturday afternoon. I end up at Subway for lunch. The “Sandwich Artist” asked me what type of cheese I wanted. Provolone is the response. The Sandwich Artist asked again to confirm: “Did you say provolone?”

“Yes sir.”

“It’s ma’am actually…”

“Oh… uhhh….whatever. Sorry.”

Now, I genuinely felt bad but I was dealing with an amorphous blob of indeterminate gender. “She” was chubby so I looked to the chest for answers, reasoning that a fat woman would have big floppy fat boobs. Not so – what boobs “she” had could easily have been man tits. The voice didn’t give anything away either. I had a 50-50 chance and lost. D’oh. Oh well…

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Special Thanks to Vroni...

But first a quick introduction to my online journal. I've been toying with the idea of starting a journal and I finally took the time to get it all started.

I don't know how often I'll be updating this log but I reckon it'll be a good vehicle for chronicling my upcoming travels and everyday thoughts. I'm imagining a couple of humorous posts after returning from a week in Vegas with Roman and Jon...

As for Veronika (Vroni), she deserves all the gratitude I can muster after coming through on tickets to the FC Bayern Munich v. Wolfsburg game on 1. October.

For those of you that haven't heard (several times over), I lived in Munich, Germany for a year while studying at Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet. I arrived on a Tuesday and Oktoberfest began that Friday. Soccer was my only option when it came to sports, excepting a memorable Super Bowl broadcast live at ~2am local time (Pats v. Rams if you're curious). In addition to Bundesliga games, I was treated to watching the U.S. make their surprising run into the final eight of the World Cup in a soccer mad nation. I came back to the United States with a new love and appreciation for the sport of soccer and a love for Bavarian beer.

Anyhow - in late September I will be making another trip to Munich and I was hoping to catch an FC Bayern Munich (FCB) game while I was in town. I tried to buy tickets online but the online contingent was already sold out. The website referred me to a phone number that I tried calling several times without ever getting anything but a busy signal. I emailed a list of nine ticket vendors to Vroni and asked if she'd be willing to shop around for tickets since she lives in Munich and I'm stuck in Tucson. She called eight of the ticket shops only to find that that they were all sold out. She called the ninth and final place and was able to purchase two of the four remaining tickets to the game.

Demand for tickets is even higher than usual this season. In addition to having one of the top clubs in the world, FCB is moving into a brand new arena this season. I'm frankly amazed that we were able to get tickets at all. Thanks again, Vroni!