There are a whole host of smells that people find pleasing but that also won’t be turned into a wearable fragrance. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer comes up with the idea to make a cologne that smells like the beach. I personally don’t think that’s a smell that translates well as an eau de toilette. Rotting fish carcasses don’t make for an appealing scent. I do understand the concept though. I mean, if someone could capture the smell right after it rains and turn that into cologne, that’d be pretty rad.
But what about Play-Doh? I have to admit that I’ve always loved the smell of Play-Doh. As a play product I always felt it was inferior to say, Silly Putty or clay… but the scent? Play-Doh smells awesome.
I didn’t expect this though: for about 20 bucks, you can buy a
one ounce bottle of Play-Doh cologne. I’m not even kidding when I say I’m considering a purchase. Well… maybe I’m kidding a little. But still, it is intriguing…
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