Thursday, April 06, 2006

The million dollar question

This is the third time. The THIRD TIME. Some stupid bastard kid crawls his retard ass into the claw toy machine and gets stuck. My first reaction is: if the kid can crawl in, why the hell can’t he crawl out. It’s like a cat that gets stuck up in a tree – JUMP FUCKER! There’s no need for the fireman to scoop your ass up.

In any event, I’m guessing that this scene was a funny one. I mean, imagine your at the bowling alley, or Walmart or whatever other fine establishment installs these things. Anyway, you see a living, breathing kid stomping around in there. Apparently it was funny enough for people to just stand around taking pictures of the kid. I would. I would also pump in some quarters and try to claw his ass out of the machine. That would rule! Wait, no it wouldn’t – kids suck.

But anyway – there’s one thing that gets lost in the whole ordeal. I mean, the kid had to work his way into the machine. That has to take some time. My question is this: where the fuck were the parents while this little shit was worming his way into the toy? Hmmm?


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