Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This is why your economy is in the toilet, dumbasses!!

Unemployment rates in Europe keep going up and economic growth rates keep going down. The U.S. economy, meanwhile, keeps getting better. For example, despite inheriting a recession from the previous administration, despite the terrorist attacks of 9/11 that hit a major financial center and crippled the airline industry and despite financing two wars, the United States has added over five million jobs during the Bush Presidency. To put that in perspective, that’s more than Japan and all the countries of the European Union have added during the same time frame combined. Combined!

This isn’t about the U.S. though, this is about Europe. Namely: why are their economies slowly dying? Could it be (at least in part) because the people in those more socialist countries expect jobs and money regardless of how much work they’re actually willing to put in? Because they want to work so few hours and take so much vacation? While that may be great for the individual worker, I think we’re seeing what it means for those countries as a whole.

Take the protests in France for example. French students are protesting against a new law that will allow employers to fire workers under 26 within two years of their tenure with the company. The way it was before, it was damn near impossible to fire an employee regardless of how worthless they might have been. So why the protests? Because now young employees will actually have to work and provide some value to the company. Out-fucking-rageous!!

Take this stupid cocksucker for example (from article):


“…I leave university at the end of the year and this law puts added pressure on me now.

It means that when I do get a job I will basically have to work as hard as I can to keep it.

If I make any mistakes I could be fired immediately.

This will affect me severely, so I have taken to the streets.”


No wonder European economies are decaying: there are too many people who feel they’re entitled to shit they don’t want to work for. This dude, who posted his reaction to the article, expands:

"Apparently, you Frenchmen never got the memo - people have to earn their wages. Understandably, that must be confusing and quite distressing to comprehend. I know: you're French. Since your leaders are realizing the economic reality that comes along with a double digit unemployment rate and a greater cash flow towards Asia, you may want to support them.

Who am I kidding? Fuck you. These protests warm my heart. In 20 years, when the global economy has moved on and you're still getting drunk off your wine while digesting some greasy cheese, it'll be fun to see the economically prosperous people of the world, who actually 'work as hard as they can to keep their job' treat you like shit because you won't be worth a dime.

Seriously, HOW STUPID ARE YOU PEOPLE??? Major global companies aren't expanding in your retarded socialist states because hiring an employee is worse than getting Herpes. At least they have some medication to suppress Herpes and make it go away, albeit temporarily. Getting rid of an unproductive sack of shit is close to impossible.”


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