Oh! Son of Bitch!!

Ok - insensitive jokes aside – the photographer of this series is finding himself in hot water for these shots. It seems the dude knew there was a giant pothole that was covered over with rainwater and just kicked back with his camera ready for an unsuspecting bicyclist rather than doing the honorable and warning him.
It raises an interesting question though: what would YOU do? Obviously, you’d be doing better by your fellow human beings to warn them of the danger that lies ahead. On the other hand, the pictures are well shot and (dare I say it…) funny. Also, the photographer claims that his picture highlighted a problem that has since been fixed. He says without the pictures, the pothole still wouldn’t be filled in.
It is quite the dilemma. Unfortunately I have to get my camera, dig a hole and cover it over with leaves so I can’t give this any further consideration.
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