The Red Star.

Take today’s paper for example. They have a headline in today’s paper in big, bold letters: “’Greenhouse gases’ at highest level in 650,000 years.”
Holy shit! We must do something! The article states, “levels of carbon dioxide have climbed from 280 parts per million two centuries ago to 380 ppm today.”
That’s a lot, right? That’s pretty drastic, isn’t it? Read it again: over two centuries, carbon dioxide levels have risen by 100 PARTS PER MILLION. Let’s examine what that means. 380 parts per million isn’t even one percent of the total makeup of the atmosphere. It isn’t even a tenth of one percent. It isn’t even one hundredth of one percent. Shit, it’s not even one thousandth of one percent. If you do the math, the total amount of carbon dioxide in the air according to this article is 0.00038%. That’s up from 0.00028% two centuries ago.
Put it this way: if we consider the carbon dioxide “unpure” and everything else “pure” (for simplicity’s sake and for illustrative purposes) the air with CO2 levels at 380 ppm is 99.99962% pure. Two centuries ago, at 280ppm the air was 99.99972% pure. All of a sudden that’s not so bad is it? If we maintain the current rate, the air will be 99.99952% pure by 2205. Oh-fucking-no!!! Shit, if we double the last two centuries’ rate, the air will only be 99.99942% pure by 2205. Terror!!!
And I’m still pissed about yesterday’s editorial on Thanksgiving. It states:
“Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.
A pure, simple holiday, there are no lights to be hung, presents to buy, eggs to color or hide, fireworks scaring Fido, costumes to make and wear, or midnight kisses and champagne toasts.”
Fireworks scaring Fido? What holiday could that be? What holiday is most commonly associated with fireworks? The Fourth of July is. Gee, I’m sorry Red Star staffers – sorry if celebrating the independence of our nation is an inconvenience to you. Bah.
*Note: I said STAFF. Not guest opinions or guest columnists.
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