Tuesday, November 01, 2005

When failure doesn't matter

I was published again in the Daily Star. Word.

A while back they did a feature on the imbalance between liberal v. conservative thought on university campuses. It’s no secret to anyone that the vast majority of professors on America’s college campuses are unrepentant liberals. Whatever. It’s not too terribly inconvenient if you know this going in ahead of time and are able to take certain things with a grain of salt. Not to mention the fact that it is a GOOD thing to challenge yourself and the ideas and ideologies you hold dear. Without questioning yourself you’d never be able to grow mentally. Nevertheless, the great disparity has caused a great deal of consternation in certain circles. The question is: why are there so many more liberal professors?

Some wahoo wrote in to the paper responding the way the liberals always respond: Duh! Liberals are smarter than conservatives and are therefore more qualified to teach university level courses. I beg to differ. My response?

“The real reason there are so many liberals in academia isn't that they are inherently smarter than conservatives, as Mr. Hlavacek suggests. It is because the realm of theory and idle thought is the only place that leftist ideas still have validity or relevance.

Conservatives achieve while liberals retreat back to their safe refuge, free from the real world consequences of implementing their agenda. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.”

That should be enough to ruffle feathers but look at the evidence: the proletariat paradise that was communism has been a demonstrable failure everywhere it’s been tried. European socialism is another product of leftist thought but many European countries are imploding economically under the weight of their social programs which demand high taxes and provide little to no motivation to better your situation in life (after all, why work and bust your ass when the government will provide for you?). The free market model, on the other hand, has been a remarkable success. The point in providing these examples is to illustrate that liberals care more about what motivates policy rather than the results the policy produces. And it often turns out that liberal policy fails spectacularly. That’s why the leftists retreat back to universities when the real world slaps them in the face. They are free from the demands of results produced. When you deal only in theory, failure doesn’t mean that much…


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