Danzig gets owned!

Here's the story: Danzig was playing some shitty place in a shitty town in Arizona. There were a couple of other local bands playing the same show but naturally, Danzig was the headliner. Long story short, one of the local bands was supposed to hit the stage before Danzig but weren't allowed to. They were promised a spot after the Danzig set and were pissed but decided to stick around and play rather than make the six hour journey back to wherever it was they came from with nothing to show for their effort.
Trouble was, after Danzig finished, their roadies started tearing down the stage and the local band wasn’t allowed to go on at all. The singer of the band confronted Glen Danzig backstage. He was pissed and wanted to know what the fuck? Why was Danzig playing big rock star bullshit and not letting the local band have their moment? Glen Danzig was signing autographs for the local yokels while this was going on then decided to put on a show for his fans; he pushed the singer of the local band who came back and knocked Danzig out cold and stupid with one might swing. AWESOME!!! It’s always a good time to see a dumbass acting hard get his shit ruined. And yes, there is video evidence.
Click here for the full story on Danzig and the video.
Click here for the less cool but still amusing Lars Ulrich story.
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