Big Ben’s night out

There are a few things to talk about so we’ll do them in bullet points:
- After the Steelers victory, the least I could do was treat The Man to a drink. Big Ben had a position of honor and a full glass in front of him at all times Sunday night at the Garter. He deserved it.
- I thought I was a pretty big Steelers fan until I heard of Terry O’Neill. When the refs fucked up the Polamalu interception call I went ballistic. When Bettis fumbled, I went catatonic. But when Bettis fumbled, it almost killed Terry O’Neill. Literally! The dude had a heart attack. “I was upset because I didn't want to see him end his career like that. A guy like that deserves better. I guess it was a little too much for me to handle,” he said. He followed that up with, “The Steelers won the game and I'm still alive, so I guess I'm doing pretty good.”
That’s hardcore. - The anonymous douche wrote back:
“14 for 24 197yds. 58.3% 2Td./1Int.
GOD? Seriously? Does anyone out there doubt that putting in someone like, oh...I don't know, AARON BROOKS would've netted the same result?”
Roethlisberger had a 95.3 QB rating on the road in the playoff against the best team in the NFL. I’m pretty sure Aaron Brooks has games like that every night. Then he wakes up, something you should do.
Tell me again, how many Conference Championship games has Brooks led his team to? Because Roethlisberger is the first QB in more than 25 years to take his team there in his first two seasons. All Big Ben has to do is not lose the game for the Steelers right? His defense and running carry him and he’s so overrated right? I guess you didn’t watch the games he had as a rookie when he put the team on his shoulders and willed them to victory. Off the top of my head I can remember the Miami game (his first career start), the Dallas game and the Jacksonville game. All were road games and all were games that Big Ben made the deciding plays in. Besides, you want big numbers, check his stats from the Cincinnati game at home this year: 29/41 for 386 yards, a 70.7% completion rate and 3TDs. That’s fucking terrible isn’t it? I mean if you had to build a franchise from the quarterback up, would you take Aaron Brooks over Ben Roethlisberger? Fucking moron…
He doesn’t have to put up gaudy numbers, he just has to win. You can have the QBs with the great fantasy stats, I’ll take the Bradys and Roethlisbergers – guys who win.
And with that, you’re done. Your clock is at 14:58 on a blog that maybe 10 people read. Your run was nice, but it’s coming to an abrupt end. Goodbye anonymous fag, I mean – oh wait – you ARE an anonymous fag. Mwahahaha.
all this talk about the Steelers and no one is mentioning the most important sports story of these playoffs.......Shaun Alexander coming out of the closet on the Seattle sideline last weekend with his "Hercules, Hercules!" gay hand clap. Did anyone else see that?
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