Asshole Addendum
There’s one more group of assholes that have been pissing me off lately. This should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me, but that group is liberals. The thing that’s gotten me fired up lately is the organized protest against the Olympic torch. Umm, what exactly is this supposed to accomplish?
To be honest, I have no problem whatsoever with people lining up and protesting the torch. I think it’s stupid, but it’s a protected right (at least here in the US). My problem starts when the protesters actively seek to impede the torch bearer or extinguish the torch itself. In non-legal terms, the right of freedom of expression can basically be summed up as “you’re free to do and say what you want until you start to fuck with other people.” Rest assured – if I were a torch bearer and some assholes started up with me, I would consider that being fucked with, and some smelly hippy dickface would end up with a face full of torch and his patchouli soaked dreads aflame.
But think for a second: imagine you care enough to protest the torch (god… even typing that makes me feel dumb. “Hey Jimmy, what are you doing today?” “I’m protesting the Olympic Torch!” “Huh?”). So anyway, imagine you care enough to protest the torch. You run alongside it, and you succeed! You put the flame out! What exactly have you accomplished? Are the Tibetans suddenly freed because the flame went out? No. So what have you done? Absolutely nothing. And that just about sums up liberalism in a nutshell: it’s not about results, it’s about showing you care. It’s about making a symbolic stand, regardless of how pointless it may be.
There’s something else about the whole backbone of the issue though. The Tibetans. Free Tibet? No. Fuck Tibet. You see, the smelly asshole that screams “Free Tibet” is the same smelly asshole that screams, “No Blood for Oil,” or “Stop American Imperialism,” or “It’ll be a great day when schools are fully funded and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber!” and generally shows disdain for the Armed Forces of the USA. He’s the same smelly asshole that views pacifism as a virtue and will fight for nothing (unless you count pointlessly disrupting someone else’s shit when no real danger is present “fighting”). What he doesn’t understand is that Tibet is his future if his anti-military agenda is ever realized. If there’s nothing for which you will fight, you will be enslaved.
Fuck Tibet. Let them raise a military and free themselves.
To be honest, I have no problem whatsoever with people lining up and protesting the torch. I think it’s stupid, but it’s a protected right (at least here in the US). My problem starts when the protesters actively seek to impede the torch bearer or extinguish the torch itself. In non-legal terms, the right of freedom of expression can basically be summed up as “you’re free to do and say what you want until you start to fuck with other people.” Rest assured – if I were a torch bearer and some assholes started up with me, I would consider that being fucked with, and some smelly hippy dickface would end up with a face full of torch and his patchouli soaked dreads aflame.
But think for a second: imagine you care enough to protest the torch (god… even typing that makes me feel dumb. “Hey Jimmy, what are you doing today?” “I’m protesting the Olympic Torch!” “Huh?”). So anyway, imagine you care enough to protest the torch. You run alongside it, and you succeed! You put the flame out! What exactly have you accomplished? Are the Tibetans suddenly freed because the flame went out? No. So what have you done? Absolutely nothing. And that just about sums up liberalism in a nutshell: it’s not about results, it’s about showing you care. It’s about making a symbolic stand, regardless of how pointless it may be.
There’s something else about the whole backbone of the issue though. The Tibetans. Free Tibet? No. Fuck Tibet. You see, the smelly asshole that screams “Free Tibet” is the same smelly asshole that screams, “No Blood for Oil,” or “Stop American Imperialism,” or “It’ll be a great day when schools are fully funded and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber!” and generally shows disdain for the Armed Forces of the USA. He’s the same smelly asshole that views pacifism as a virtue and will fight for nothing (unless you count pointlessly disrupting someone else’s shit when no real danger is present “fighting”). What he doesn’t understand is that Tibet is his future if his anti-military agenda is ever realized. If there’s nothing for which you will fight, you will be enslaved.
Fuck Tibet. Let them raise a military and free themselves.

. . .touche.
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