Sunday, February 17, 2008

An open letter to the University of Arizona

Here’s something you may not know about me: in 1992 I won the Sunnyside School District’s Geography AND Social Studies Olympiads. It was a big deal, sort of… I got to go to a school district meeting and receive my awards from the district superintendent himself (or herself – it’s been so long even I don’t remember it anymore).

Why don’t you know this about me? Because it was so long ago, no one fucking cares anymore (and I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority of you, say… 100% or so, wouldn’t have cared if you knew at the time either).

So why do I bring this up? I was watching the Arizona basketball game yesterday and noticed that the words “1997 National Champions” still adorn the court near the scorer’s table. A national championship is a big deal and all, but let it go. 1997 was a long fucking time ago and I’m guessing the statute of limitations has expired on pimping that title. How long ago was 1997? The Arizona Diamondbacks didn’t exist yet, OJ had just been found guilty in civil court (ed note: drink apple juice. OJ will kill you…), the Dow Jones closed above 7,000 for the first time, the Nintendo 64 was the biggest thing in gaming, Princess Diana began her new career as worm food, Arizona was still being governed by Fife Symington, the New York Times published the first color photo on its front page, and Hanson, the Spice Girls and Mark “Return of the Mack” Morrison were tearing up the radio playlists.

And Arizona won its national championship.

I have no problem with a banner or something like that, but the writing on the court has got to go. It’s not like Mongolia has “1206 World Archery Champions” or some shit like that on display anymore.

Thanks for listening.

Sunnyside School District Geography Olympiad Champion, 1992
Sunnyside School District Social Studies Olympiad Champion, 1992


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that it was so long ago, it was one year before the last time the Arizona football team had a winning season.

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. I could care less of your olympiad shit. As for the UofA, I COMPLETELY AGREE. CHANGE THE FUCKING COURT ALREADY.!!!!

5:03 PM  

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