Saturday, February 17, 2007

Conservative Article Annals

Oy! I've started a new blog that you should check out. Europe is a leftist paradise and it's impossible to get ANYTHING from a conservative viewpoint so I've subscribed to some right-leaning RSS feeds and have been collecting articles that I think are interesting. So what does this have to do with a new blog? Well... I'm going to start sharing the articles.

I'll likely still have the odd rant or two on this site so don't think that's going completely away, you commie shitheads. The new site, however, will be (largely) free from my commentary. I plan on just posting good op-ed pieces as they originally appear so it'll be a good near-daily stop for y'all if you're interested in that kinda stuff. And you damn well should be.

The first post is already up and you really, really need to read the first article. You may have heard of the Lt. Daily but the LA Times did a good piece on him. In any event, get your asses over to The Conservative Article Annals (clunky title, I know, but it was available) and check it out. Give feedback too. I have an idea about what I want to do with this thing but if you have a good idea I'll check it out.


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