Infuriating, not heartwarming

I would like you to meet the dumbest human being on the planet. This woman took the wrong bus and it ended up getting her lost for 25 years. 25 FUCKING YEARS!
I don’t know what the person who wrote this article wanted to accomplish. I mean, yeah, this is definitely an interesting story and all but was the author aiming for a sympathetic response of something? If that’s the case, I just cannot feel sympathy for someone so incredibly stupid.
If you you’re too much of a shithead to click the link, the story is about a woman who wanted to go shopping, climbed on the wrong bus and got taken 700 miles out of the way. She’s old now, 76 according to the article, but that means she was only about 51 when the odyssey started. What kind of fuckhole 51 year old can’t figure out how to get on the right bus? So you climb on the wrong bus, that’s a relatively easy mistake to make, but to not get off until the fucking thing stops? I mean stops as in, “reaches its destination,” not stops as in “we’re traveling 700 fucking miles so let’s hit this rest stop to stretch our legs.” When your normally ten minute bus ride stretches into ten hours, you’re on the wrong fucking bus! Climb the fuck off!
So she gets to Bangkok realizes she’s a far way from home and gets on ANOTHER wrong bus. Great job there, numbnuts. Of course, the article points out that she speaks some regional dialect that no one else can speak. That’s may be well and good, but are you telling me that in 25 years, she wasn’t able to learn enough to put together a fucking sentence? A sentence like, oh… say, “I’m in the wrong fucking place, help me get home.” And it doesn’t take complete mastery of a language to find a map and point to the place you want to be. FUCK! This story pisses me off. Fuck that lady, I hope she dies soon.
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