How is this guy still alive?

Today’s post comes from, which is an absolute fucking abortion of a website. The only reason I still get news from them is that all other sports sites suck even worse. But I digress…
In any event, today’s story takes place in Illinois where a wrestling meet was taking place. As one boy was about to pin another boy, the losing kid’s father intervened by picking up the other boy and THROWING him out of the ring. He grabbed someone else’s child and fucking threw him. The whole incident was caught on videotape and I’m sure we’ll all being seeing this soon (well actually, YOU all will probably be seeing this soon as it probably won’t make any waves over here).
Ray Hoffman, the guy who threw the little kid, says he regrets his behavior and is embarrassed. You don’t say?
Dan Nasenbeny, the father of the throwee, tells us that, “there [are] a lot of different ways to stop a match. Not to pick up my son and launch him 5 feet, 10 feet in the air." Duly noted Dan. Dan, by the way, was the one who captured the whole incident on video tape.
I have a question: why the fuck is Ray Hoffman still alive? Maybe I’m a barbarian or something, but if I’m attending my son’s sporting event and another adult male picks my child up and throws – literally fucking throws – him anywhere, I would put the camera down and murder him. Period.
I have to say Ray Hoffman is the leading candidate for asshole of the year and, quite frankly, Dan Nasenbeny is leading candidate for dickless wimp of the year. I mean, what was he thinking when this was happenening? “Hmm… how quaint. That other man just saw fit to catapult my son into the third row. This is indeed odd…”
Violence solves problems Dan.
EDIT: I just found the video here. The kid doesn't get picked up and thown, but he does get a hefty shove that sends him flying. Still though, my point stands: the father of the kid that got ruled by that dude needs a testicle infusion procedure. Yeah, he is a big dude and crazy looking but a steel chair over the head WWF style takes care of that rickey-fuckin'-tick.
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