The hidden cost of beating off

The woman whored around with an artist 25 years ago and posed for nude pictures with him. When the artist became famous, the pictures values rose. That is, until her teenage foster son discovered the pics, pulled his pud to them and splooged all over them. Restoration experts were unable to restore the pictures and they sold far below their non-jizzed upon value at auction. Now mother wants the foster care agency to pay the difference between what she would have received and what she, in fact, received.
There are a few of things to comment on here. First of all, is it okay that the kid beat off to pictures of his foster mother? Birth mother is out of bounds, that goes without saying. But she’s NOT his birth mother and he’s only been living with her for two years. So where do we draw the line here? (I should point out that the kid didn’t know who he was jerking off to). The next thing that I wonder about is: why did he actually come on the pictures? Was there no towel handy? Nothing? I mean, are there people who actually come on the material they’re using to arouse themselves? If it was a video, would he have felt it necessary to jizz on the screen? After he came on the pictures, did he not clean up the mess or did he just let the pearl jam sink in and stuff the pictures back where he found them? Did he just put the pictures back all splooged on and figure no one would notice? Can I write another sentence that ends in a question?
The last thing that comes to mind is the fact that there were restoration experts that tried to restore these pics. How would you like for that to be in your job description? When some dipshit kid comes on the wrong thing, your job is to try and clean it up. I mean sure, your studies were probably more geared towards restoring paintings that haven’t aged well or something like that but the fact of the matter is some of these people went to school for a long time to learn restoration procedures and their most recent job was to clean up some dried up and crusty baby batter after some dick-face came on the wrong pictures. Oh well, that’s what you get for studying something so patently ridiculous in the first damn place.
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