Friday, July 14, 2006

I couldn’t believe it and I saw it…

So I took a walk through the Olympic Park yesterday. (Side note: I wanted to visit the old Olympic Village and check out the memorial to the Israeli athletes that were murdered here but couldn’t find any monument. It turns out, at least according to Wikipedia, that the Germans have decided against putting up a memorial to the Jewish athletes that they let get slaughtered because it might “alienate other members of the Olympic Community.” Are you fucking kidding me? Because it might offend FUCKING TERRORISTS?!?! Nice grip on reality there…)

Anyway, as I was walking through the park I watched some elementary school-aged children playing a game of soccer. That was cool; kids playing pick-up soccer. Then there was some controversy which ended up with one team receiving a corner kick. There were no lines on the playing surface so I wondered what arbitrary boundary marked the goal-line but whatever… So the kid lines up his corner and another kid heads it towards goal and misses. Corners and headers from little ass kids!

Then it happened.

There was no slide tackle, nor any contact to speak of, yet there lay a child writhing on the floor in mock-agony after an opposing team member CLEANLY STOLE THE BALL FROM HIM! He rolled around clutching his shin or ankle as his mates gathered around him to observe his “injury.” Then his team was awarded a free-kick! A free-kick!! There weren’t even referees! How the opposing team relented to a free-kick after a very clear dive is completely beyond me. Kids are stupid. Or maybe not. Maybe being a cheater and a diver pays off. I guess you learn to be a pussy here at an early age, something that’s anathema to my American sensibilities.

Speaking of pussies…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess these kids never heard of a little game called "smear the queer"

9:19 AM  
Blogger b said...

I guess they teach em early over there: on "simulation" and denying the holocaust.

The terrorists have won.

11:22 PM  

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