Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I should probably point out that I’m exaggerating my hatred of Italians. Not that anyone who reads this doesn’t know me by now but still, as Ozzie Guillen is proving right now, some people can’t stand “hurtful” words. I mean, dude just came off a surprise World Series title and his job is in some danger because he called Jay Mariotti a fag (which he is).

What I am not exaggerating, however, is how all Italians look like females here. That is really god’s honest truth. It doesn’t matter what sex box they check on their applications, they all look and act like women. Still though, impugning a whole nation and deeming them cocklovers, immoral, crybaby, cheating, greaseball shitbags is a slight (very slight) exaggeration.

Or is it?


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