Sivlitz responds to Andy's response
Folks, I am breaking a one of the ground rules of my very existence here: never get into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. This, however, cannot go unpunished. It seems our little friend here hasn’t learned to leave well enough alone. You know how boxers get goofy later in life after they take too many shots to their brain? That’s what’s happening to Andy except it’s nuts constantly slamming on his chin that is causing his retardation. Anyhow, I will answer our simpleton friend’s diatribe below (by the way, all spelling, punctuation and grammar errors are his. I won’t even get into the finer points of the things we have in English called “paragraphs”):
“First off, what's this infatutation Joe has with Roethlisberger…?”
Ok, I’ll admit that sometimes I get carried away with my praise for Go.. I mean, Big Ben. But in all seriousness, the dude just turned around my all-time favorite pro team and won the freaking Super Bowl. He had what has to be, without question, the greatest rookie season in pro football history and won the championship in his second season as a 23 year old. Dude… my freakin’ retard brother Danny is turning 23 in April – think about that for a second.
On top of that, he was cool enough to take time out of a busy game of craps at Caesar’s Palace last year to chat a little bit and sign something for me. That rules, period.
Put the shoe on the other foot for a second: what if Alex Smith led the San Francisco Trans-Gender All-stars (I mean – 49ers) to the NFC championship as a rookie and then won the Super Bowl in his second season. Something tells me you’d be running your yap about him. It’s just a guess though.
(And no, I don’t have anything against the 49ers – calm down. It’s just that I have to make a gay joke about San Francisco. It’s as unavoidable as making gay jokes about Andy. Mandatory even…)
“He consistenly brings me up during his "gay comment" remarks or new stories he has to talk about. Ex: September 05 archives "Why I prefer bars to clubs" & October 05 "delta Lamba Phi breaks fraternity stereotypes!"”
My post count is in the 70s now and you’ve found two posts where I rag on you for being a pillow biting cock-gobbler. Watch out Columbo, Detective Grundle is on the case!
I’m almost sad for you that you went through 7-8 months worth of posts to dig that scandalous info up. Didn’t you have an avocado face mask to apply? Didn’t you have to shave your legs or something? Where do you find all this free time? In your furry shorts pocket?
“Joseph consistently points me out & makes random statements that im gay.”
Andy be fair. EVERYONE points out that you smoke pole and gives you shit about it.
“First, i want to say that I have yet to witness Joe with a female.”
Is the view that bad from IBT’s?
“I know of one, but not since that one girl about 8 years ago.”
There it is folks, the embarrassing truth comes out. I have only slept with one girl in my whole life and it was, like… ten years ago. Detective Grundle strikes again!
“from the one girl i know of i give her an 8, which is good. I know this because Joe knows this. (Whole other story)”
You are treading on dangerous ground here my “I’m considering taking steroids because, like Pinocchio, my stick body leaves me wishing I were built like a real boy” friend.
The “whole other story” Andy refers to has to do with the fact that this particular girl is the only girl that the both of us have hooked up with. What’s it like getting my sloppy seconds by the way?
We can tell this story if you choose… I’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about.
“If i were to add my score it comes out to 138/170...i've had a 10,9,7 &14 8's. That is impressive.”
Did you really keep score – not just of how many girls you’ve been with but also their rank on a ten scale? What is this, middle school? How did you ask these girls out, did you hand them a note that said “do you like me? Check yes or no”? I’m not impressed for you – I’m embarrassed. It’s almost like you have something to prove. Something that you can feel when people look at you because they have doubts about something.
Me? I’ve never ever claimed to be big pimpin’ but I’m not a flunky either. As a matter of fact, I’ve conquered 6 nations. I KNOW that’s something you can’t even begin to make a claim on unless you’re Antonio Alfonseca and you’ve given your fingers exotic names like, Guadalupe, Jane, Amelie, Ziyi, Helga and Natasha. Living abroad had certain advantages you know…
I haven’t felt the need to blow a trumpet and pat myself on the back for the girls I’ve been with but then again, no one’s ever thought I smoked pole so I don’t have that granite block on my shoulder. And one more thing: I don’t kiss and tell because I’m old school like that. I believe some shit needs to stay out of the public eye. Randy’s known me for almost 20 full years and he probably doesn’t know any more about my work than you do. Discretion is the better part of valor. I guess I’m also old school in the sense that guys shouldn’t pluck their eyebrows, shave anything other than their faces or take loads of semen on their backs. Consider me unenlightened I guess.
Seriously though, we don’t hold it against you Andy. I mean, how else would we know how Brokeback Mountain ends?
This ought to do it:

And with that, I’m done. I think I have stated my case forcefully and convincingly. Besides, my blog will not become a running smack-fest between the two of us so you can have the last words.
With chicken legs.
Folks, I am breaking a one of the ground rules of my very existence here: never get into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. This, however, cannot go unpunished. It seems our little friend here hasn’t learned to leave well enough alone. You know how boxers get goofy later in life after they take too many shots to their brain? That’s what’s happening to Andy except it’s nuts constantly slamming on his chin that is causing his retardation. Anyhow, I will answer our simpleton friend’s diatribe below (by the way, all spelling, punctuation and grammar errors are his. I won’t even get into the finer points of the things we have in English called “paragraphs”):
“First off, what's this infatutation Joe has with Roethlisberger…?”
Ok, I’ll admit that sometimes I get carried away with my praise for Go.. I mean, Big Ben. But in all seriousness, the dude just turned around my all-time favorite pro team and won the freaking Super Bowl. He had what has to be, without question, the greatest rookie season in pro football history and won the championship in his second season as a 23 year old. Dude… my freakin’ retard brother Danny is turning 23 in April – think about that for a second.
On top of that, he was cool enough to take time out of a busy game of craps at Caesar’s Palace last year to chat a little bit and sign something for me. That rules, period.
Put the shoe on the other foot for a second: what if Alex Smith led the San Francisco Trans-Gender All-stars (I mean – 49ers) to the NFC championship as a rookie and then won the Super Bowl in his second season. Something tells me you’d be running your yap about him. It’s just a guess though.
(And no, I don’t have anything against the 49ers – calm down. It’s just that I have to make a gay joke about San Francisco. It’s as unavoidable as making gay jokes about Andy. Mandatory even…)
“He consistenly brings me up during his "gay comment" remarks or new stories he has to talk about. Ex: September 05 archives "Why I prefer bars to clubs" & October 05 "delta Lamba Phi breaks fraternity stereotypes!"”
My post count is in the 70s now and you’ve found two posts where I rag on you for being a pillow biting cock-gobbler. Watch out Columbo, Detective Grundle is on the case!
I’m almost sad for you that you went through 7-8 months worth of posts to dig that scandalous info up. Didn’t you have an avocado face mask to apply? Didn’t you have to shave your legs or something? Where do you find all this free time? In your furry shorts pocket?
“Joseph consistently points me out & makes random statements that im gay.”
Andy be fair. EVERYONE points out that you smoke pole and gives you shit about it.
“First, i want to say that I have yet to witness Joe with a female.”
Is the view that bad from IBT’s?
“I know of one, but not since that one girl about 8 years ago.”
There it is folks, the embarrassing truth comes out. I have only slept with one girl in my whole life and it was, like… ten years ago. Detective Grundle strikes again!
“from the one girl i know of i give her an 8, which is good. I know this because Joe knows this. (Whole other story)”
You are treading on dangerous ground here my “I’m considering taking steroids because, like Pinocchio, my stick body leaves me wishing I were built like a real boy” friend.
The “whole other story” Andy refers to has to do with the fact that this particular girl is the only girl that the both of us have hooked up with. What’s it like getting my sloppy seconds by the way?
We can tell this story if you choose… I’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about.
“If i were to add my score it comes out to 138/170...i've had a 10,9,7 &14 8's. That is impressive.”
Did you really keep score – not just of how many girls you’ve been with but also their rank on a ten scale? What is this, middle school? How did you ask these girls out, did you hand them a note that said “do you like me? Check yes or no”? I’m not impressed for you – I’m embarrassed. It’s almost like you have something to prove. Something that you can feel when people look at you because they have doubts about something.
Me? I’ve never ever claimed to be big pimpin’ but I’m not a flunky either. As a matter of fact, I’ve conquered 6 nations. I KNOW that’s something you can’t even begin to make a claim on unless you’re Antonio Alfonseca and you’ve given your fingers exotic names like, Guadalupe, Jane, Amelie, Ziyi, Helga and Natasha. Living abroad had certain advantages you know…
I haven’t felt the need to blow a trumpet and pat myself on the back for the girls I’ve been with but then again, no one’s ever thought I smoked pole so I don’t have that granite block on my shoulder. And one more thing: I don’t kiss and tell because I’m old school like that. I believe some shit needs to stay out of the public eye. Randy’s known me for almost 20 full years and he probably doesn’t know any more about my work than you do. Discretion is the better part of valor. I guess I’m also old school in the sense that guys shouldn’t pluck their eyebrows, shave anything other than their faces or take loads of semen on their backs. Consider me unenlightened I guess.
Seriously though, we don’t hold it against you Andy. I mean, how else would we know how Brokeback Mountain ends?
This ought to do it:

And with that, I’m done. I think I have stated my case forcefully and convincingly. Besides, my blog will not become a running smack-fest between the two of us so you can have the last words.
With chicken legs.
You can cut the homosexual tension between these two with a knife… come on guys just kiss and get it over with... as our wise friend oscar once said "bust"
First off, i just want to say I really do not mean to make fun of a guy who really does not think we ( the fellas) would still like him & enjoy his company if he indeed came out & admitted he "loves the penis". We still are friends GAY-DUDE!...Now i must let you all know that i am not going to use proper anything because i am speaking casually as if i were talking with my friends & yes GAY-DUDE you are my friend, but maybe U KAN LEARN ME TOO TLAK AN SPELLL EN RIGHT THINGS LATR K?
So lets get started.
I'll begin with GAY-DUDE ranting off yet another paragraph about Roethlisberger & how and why he would let the young strapping QB jizz on his face but i will not go into detail because we all know what was said......i will say that i mention Roethlisbeger in the very first sentence of my original comment & once again as a joke about Joe giving him head. Not about the QBs skills or the superbowl or his team or how it was not earned & this happens.
........pheeewwww! off that subject. GAY-DUDE thens writes that im considering taking the juice. This is true, because unlike Joe....I like to workout and like to look good. Not only for me but i believe that the ladies are not always attracted to a "FURRY BODY", GUT & HOBBIT FEET. Sorry but i myself would rather bone Jessica Alba then say Oprah.
GAY-DUDE also states I recieved his sloppy seconds. This unfortunate event happened only because at the time i did not know Joe existed. So in my defense the previous dude that banged our "history" we both know as well and Joe recieved his sloppy seconds......but I'd also like to add that this girl assured me that Joe did not leave it so sloppy!
Furthermore, GAY-DUDE writes & i quote, "No one ever thought I smoked pole".....sorry Joe wrong again. WE (the fellas) ALL AGREE AS A CONSENSUS THAT YOU ARE THE MOST SUSPECT....QUEER!! & yes Randle has known you for almost 20 years..he too thinks "YOU ARE" suspect, sorry.
And to close out this final comment between me & the GAY-DUDE, I have also never claimed to be "BIG PIMPIN" & usually never talk about the girls i bang (only with Oscar because he asks) because like GAY-DUDE im old school for the most part as well..................thanks for the last word FAAGGGGOOTTTT!
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