Thursday, August 18, 2005

Damn you feds!

I recently received a summons for federal jury service. I have to call next weekend to get my instructions but the notice was very clear in stating that my presence may be required for the entire month of September. That’s all well and good except for one thing: I’m flying back to Germany at the end of the month. I filled out the requisite paper work and under the “Hardships” part I noted that I would be unable to serve at the end of the month. Sneaky me! If I may be needed for the entire month, maybe they would excuse me from the jury pool altogether right? Too much to ask for? Of course, dammit!

I received this notice not too long ago:

“Dear Sivlitz,

You are excused from jury service for the following dates: Sep 28 through Sep 30, 2005. You are still on call for the rest of September but are excused for the date(s) listed above.

Thank You”

No, thank YOU Ms. Candee Gordon, Jury Administrator.

To add insult to injury, the feds are taking one third of my performance bonus in taxes. One third! Son of a …


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